Monday Thoughts

Truth be told, I really felt “real bad” when I lost my previous post. You would say, it was just a post!… I know, I keep telling myself the same thing – but I spent a lot of time feeling sad before I drifted off to a restless sleep last night and my thought the first thing in the morning was the very same thing, and it still hurt. I had to literally sit down and flush it out of my mind and system. I don’t know if I feel the terrible sense of loss when I lose something I ‘paid’ for, of course the big things make me cringe just because of the money I wasted away by not taking good care! But I have come to really treasure my days, and moments that I get to spend being truly ‘alive.’ Not everyone know how blessed they are, and sometimes people just get carried away in the moment of anger, or fury, or just frustration. This blog is just a mirror for me when I am so full of myself and get into that ‘complain’ mode – because this re-anchors me to who I am inside, and what really matters!

I try to write when I am thoughtful, inspired, thankful, in joy, in spirit, in love – because really when it comes down to it, why does it really matter when we are annoyed with someone or something, how does that add any value to self or anyone who’s just trespassing this blog. It doesn’t. Focusing on things that don’t matter is such a complete drain of energy. And there are endless things in this world that will get us there any way… don’t you think?

Anyway, I am just back from work, and sipping my coffee and munching down a toast. I realize how little coffee I drink these days, there was a time in life when I used to drink anywhere between 4-5 cups, I guess it was just my art of coping with life…which I don’t need anymore. My little one is asleep after snacking on her crunchy snacks, she’s the center of our world these days… as soon as I get off work, I have a huge smile on my face and my heart strings literally pull me in the direction of my baby… motherhood/ parenthood never ceases to amaze me. To which my older friends always laugh, “Wait till she starts talking back.” Ha!

Days so full…

… Some times, I ponder about what life was before the baby, and I wonder what did I do with all that “time.” These days, time has become my most precious commodity – don’t get me wrong, but I really enjoy not having the time to waste which in a weird way makes me feel very productive every waking minute. I revel in that, in the feeling of being alive and productive – truly, how many amongst us can really say that about their lives, about their every days?! These days, only those things that really carry a significant meaning has a place in my heart, on my mind, and coincidentally on my calendar. Which also translates into letting go of unnecessary worries, anxieties, fears, negative emotions and all other things that really not only come to fruition most of the time, but also which used to occupy a majority of my life long ago.

One of the things that I don’t do as often is write, because, really, I don’t have the time. I call myself a writer and for all practical purposes, I am. Really, what “recognition” do we need to call ourselves a “writer”? Nothing. Just that we write. I still think, to get good at writing, or to be a great writer, you need to devote the time to create, imagine, ponder, wait it out… which I don’t see myself doing a lot. But in a strange way, it doesn’t bother me. I know, I can come back to it, when the time is right and I will. I devour the online magazine, Brain Pickings when I can, and oh what hidden gems I find there. There was a quote in there which prompted me to write this post today… by Susan Orlean, an American Journalist…

“You have to simply love writing, and you have to remind yourself often that you love it.”

How profound is that?! But doesn’t that apply to everything in life – be it our career, our relationships, our hobbies… you simply have to love it, and constantly remind yourself about that love. On this rainy, dark Sunday.. we love to spend time indoors, and have this quiet time all for ourselves! Happy Sunday! :)

What do I say?

I have not written the last few months as life just got very busy and writing was pushed into one of those deep corners, which doesn’t need that much attention except when you see cobwebs and spur to action. The last few days, I have been missing my writing time, moments I spend pondering and musing at life which I believe makes me a better person. Also, somewhere it really bothers me, that once I don’t write that often, I might just lose this blessing I have been given, to express thoughts into words and posts!

Summer is slowly getting out of our sights, and Fall is in the air which makes me so happy! I have never been a person to appreciate warm weather, so goodbye to humid days! But this summer has been one of the best I have ever had, the things we managed to do, biking, running, hiking, swimming, tennis, badminton, traveling, making great friends, starting a new job and getting to work with super passionate people, to name just a few. May saw me doing my first 5k run and a quick trip in and out of San Francisco! Following months just flew by as work consumed our days and nights! As my running came to a stop, my swimming took off! Finally got around to the deep end of the pool but still have a long way to go before I can confidently claim to be a swimmer. I have also become a good sports person, loving to watch baseball, which I have come to make sense of! And New York it was in August, to see my first ever live US Open, and what a fabulous time we had. This gave us some of things to think about for our very own bucket list!

Anyways, we are already in September, can you believe it? How time flies, it just seems like yesterday that spring was on in full glory! The passing time always makes me conscious of the things I want to pay attention to, my health, the ones I love and their health, and above all of us, God. Each day, I hope to be a better person, calmer than yesterday, in better health and wisdom, a little more patient, more giving, and more forgiving… I hope to write more here! Hopefully, you will stay around to hear some arbitrary thoughts which might just give you a sense of being! :) Adios.

Missing in Action

I have never gone this long without an update here, or have I? Things have been moving along smoothly, as spring is making up its mind whether to be finally here or just pave the way for summer. Some one told me recently, the bane of this place is, we have the winter and the summer, no in betweens. I might just agree this time, some days have been lovely, and getting outdoors is such a pleasure. And other days like today, is dark and gloomy threatening to pour on us the minute we decide to step out.

I have been devouring books, and audiobooks by the gigabyte! Just realized how much fun it is to be cuddled in a warm shawl and sit in my sun room, whose name will soon be changed to ice room, with heaps of magazines and books all over. Oh bliss! Work otherwise had kept me busy, waking me up at odd hours of day as I worked on European time, and finished a big conference all through out retaining my sanity. The market seems to have improved a little better as my linked in profile gets checked out more often by desiring profiles, and some random emails and calls. Good, things have been good enough that I don’t see the need to complain.

Hiking, and outdoors have become a regular feature in our lives, and I look forward to more of this, this year. Since last weekend, the international film festival has started keeping me busy glued to the film schedule, and making sense of which to watch on a teeny-weeny limited budget and wondering how to get more vouchers! This city is beautiful, and having lived here for a small span of time a couple of years ago, the romance seems to be rekindled, so many things to do, to explore, people to meet, make friends, help and grow all over again. As you see, I have nothing to complain. Just a quick update, will try to be more regular, so that my tidbits of wisdom are not lost in the trenches of my maniac brain.