Trials and Tribulations

Just like every writer I have had the pleasure to read or hear about… I struggle with writing. So, yesterday my best friend in this whole wide world, my husband said shared something very poignant and quoted Hemingway,

“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.”

So, in that very sense, I write this post.

Yes, we blinked and our little girl just turned a year old. 

I don’t know if there’s any other truest statement I can think of at this moment. Time truly flies. And that feeling became overwhelmingly real last Thursday, and in the wee hours, as I stood by her bed, and watched her slowly snoring facing her back to me with her legs tucked in, a miniature me … plain amazed at how this little ‘being’ has made her way into the deepest recesses of our hearts. All I could think of was the joy, and sadness… profound sadness that this little girl has grown, and her newborn days are slowly becoming a memory. It made me sad, and tears rolled by. Maybe it was just the realization that time moves so quickly, or maybe this toddler will be far different than the innocent baby that would lay there hours together without as much as a peep, or just the fact that our own age catches up with us so quickly, and being reminded of my own mortality or maybe just the plain hormones of a mother… I cried, in sheer joy. I thanked the Lord for being ever so grateful to bless us with this child… I spoke to my mother at the other end of this world, with tears flowing… my tears made up for the words that didn’t come out of my mouth. My tears thanked her for all the patience and love, and joy and care she had given unconditionally all these years, and silently apologized for all the mistakes, and sadness I had in turn given her.

Trials and tribulations we all go through as parents, but yet, we would not give up any of it to have it any other way!