This is your LIFE

This is your LIFE


Do what you LOVE, and do it OFTEN.

Just like any other family, especially those with new kids, we are a regular family trying to live within a budget. And I work very hard to not give into impulse buys, but this one thing had stayed on my mind for a long time. Since I read this manifesto, I wasn’t able to take it off my mind. The words got so ingrained in me, that I would re-play it in my mind every time I thought I couldn’t do something, or feared a new challenge, or just when things would take a sour turn professionally. It stayed really close to my heart. It has given me strength, hope and courage.

So, finally I give in and buy my very own poster and get it all ready for office. I spend long afternoons at work, so I figured this would be my compass and anchor from hence forth. I work for a homeless shelter, and words cannot express how I feel everyday. It has taken me a LONG time to figure out what my purpose has been, and to say, I am off my traditional career path would be an understatement! I know, I am still looking and searching, but now I can see possibilities. Anyway, as this poster made its way to my office, it got quite some glances. But one of our shelter residents, a good friend of mine or so I think, stood there and read it out, while I nudged him a little as the wordings are not linear in any sense. After he read it, he quietly nodded and smiled.

We walked back to my office quietly, and he helped me hang it up… each of us in our own world of thought. And I knew in that instant that for a homeless person who has suffered a long time in life and seen Hunger, Poverty, Disease, Loneliness, Confinement… my wise manifesto meant NOTHING. Life, Love, Passion, Dreams, Travel, Job are truly, the luxurious problems of the middle class, and educated. We should be lucky to have the problems we think we have! But in some way, my manifesto did not fail me today, in its own way, it had already encapsulated the essence of this moment for me…

“Open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people. We are united in our differences.”

Everyday Miracle…

It’s been a quiet Sunday morning – for once, I am sitting down in a clean dining room. We had friends over for dinner last night, and hence had to clean up. Isn’t it funny, how quickly you can move and clean your mess when someone’s coming over?! We always laugh about it… maybe we should have someone each weekend just for that, and go back to our cavemen lifestyle during the rest of the days.

I met a very sweet couple last night, a little younger than us…she was a Chinese and her American husband, and their story was plain fascinating! How they happened to meet for a couple of minutes in the middle of Wisconsin when she was on exchange, and then exactly after 3 months, happened to live in the same building in Norway when he was on exchange – and he moved to China just to be with her!! I am always fascinated about the lives of people, their life-stories, and love stories… the seemingly vague dots which somehow miraculously come together to build a beautiful picture – I think it’s plain marvelous! Hearing stories makes me come alive, for the most part. And incidentally, just like us, they have traveled a lot. And just like me, she enjoys writing… and in Chinese! So, it was fun to catch up over some really spicy food!! And we walked away with some great suggestions for travel… if we can only figure out how to entertain our ten month old for 24 hours straight. Ha!

I think a lot of times in life, we don’t give people or their stories as much importance as they deserve. But in reality, what makes us a human being, is the need to talk, share, wonder, acknowledge and give. I appreciate someone who hasn’t traveled out of his neighborhood, but boy the stories he can tell!.. rather than some one who’s been everywhere but doesn’t have even an ounce of appreciation or gratitude or plain wonder! One of my all time favorite quotes, is by Einstein, “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” Sure, we are busy with so many things going on… but honestly, I know not of ONE person in this whole wide world who is “ein hundert” one hundred percent sure they will LIVE through the day, and wake up the next morning!! Mortality is so taken for granted that it constantly amazes me…I am no preacher..I too am to be blamed but I’m learning constantly.

Things Past…

…and present.

I have been planning to visit the Memorial Site of the concentration camp for a long time now. It’s funny how I live right here, yet put off the things I want to do for a later time. Today was the D-day, a girl who had found me through my old blog had been in touch with me for a while now, so we finally decided to catch up in person. And it was a nice day to be out, a sad day to see all the history come and smack down at you. I guess, we all are aware of what happened in Dachau but it adds a whole new dimension to actually see it in person, and hear someone explain the barbaric acts of violence. The gory pictures and gruesome details beats you into submission of a mute spectator. “Arbeit macht frei” “Work makes (you) free” A kind of spiritual freedom, Work till you have given it all. The slogan which shares it history with hundreds of thousands of people killed during the Nazi regime. A dim reminder of things past. The documentary film produced, and shown free at the site is a must watch for any of those who visits Dachau.

One thing I completely indulge in when time is plenty, is taking the audio tours where you can walk at a pace you want, and look around. But today, it was a guided tour and I went along. Hey R, if you land on this blog today, big ‘hi’, it was nice meeting you.

And then after that, as I walked back to the station, I caught up with one of the backpackers who’s been traveling around Europe. For me, it is always interesting to see the courage, the confidence and plain who-cares attitude, it was really great catching up with her, getting to know her exhaustive itinerary, and more. Hey JJ, if you land up here, a big ‘hi’ to you too. Look at me, the crazy senile person giving shout outs from this blog! Anyways, on the whole, this long weekend has almost flown by without noticing.

We were off on Thursday and Friday, and last evening, I had my good friend and her husband over for dinner. Yes, in case you asked, Indian food. I think in these times, I can open a small bistro and sell out parathas and pickles the way people, especially Germans, love Indian food. We spent a lot of time chatting about work, colleagues, and plenty of other things over beer and wine. It was time well spent. Okie dokie, I am tired, and want to get back to my reading before I call it a day. Guten Abend!

Toronto Thoughts

I know, I know, its been quite a while since I blogged. I have been on long distance flights, long distance cars, but oh, it has been so fun. As I write this post, I am comfortably sitting on my couch with the coffee machine making its oh-so-familiar dripping noise and life feels good. Last week, we drove to Toronto and I really enjoyed the city. Its very cosmopolitan, multi-cultural way of life reminded me of being in Bangalore.

I have to say that I found Toronto very artsy too, the quirky names that were given to places, and restaurants were enthralling to say the least. Names such as Chapters, Eggspectation, The Second Cup, ain’t they quirky? There were so many of these, and I was taking them all with super excitement. I, in fact, could see myself living there! I also realized how things about art, design, writing etc. are slowly coming into my life. All the way as we walked around blocks and streets, I was wondering why I turned out to be an engineer. And now at this vague point in life, I finally figured that I could have been something else, something related to these creative pursuits. Can’t we all start afresh everyday? LOL. 

I started this post like a couple of hours ago, and as I fixed my breakfast, watched television, read some stuff on line, figured out how to design homes, I am finally back to complete this post. As you see, I am super distracted. Anyways, no trip to Canada is complete without Niagara, right? So, we did that too! It is indeed awesome! Canadians surely have one up on that one. I will try to get some pictures here. It’s about lunch time, and I need to fix my salad, so let me get going. In case you didn’t figure out, Chapters is a book store, Eggspectation a restaurant and Second Cup a coffee shop. Cheers to coffee, food and books.